Wiimms "mkw-ana" has got some new features in the last versions - including an improved glitching and item cheat detection (Wiimmfi-moderators can also auto-ban cheaters). Sadly, there are not many people using mkw-ana.
(German Version: mkw-ana einrichten unter Windows )
This tutorial explains how to setup mkw-ana on Windows without needing a special router or hub to capture the network traffic.
After doing this tutorial, you'll be able to use mkw-ana on your computer and routing your wii's traffic through your computer.
Step 1: Install the needed Software
First, you need to install Wireshark, mkw-ana and WinDump:
Download Wireshark: wireshark.org/download.html
Download WinDump: winpcap.org/windump/install/default.htm
Download mkw-ana: download.wiimm.de/mkw-ana/ (you must use version r2392 or newer)
Wireshark gets installed like any other program (remember to also install the WinPcap driver). Mkw-ana and WinDump are just being copied into any folder you'd like.
Step 2: Second IP Address
Open the start menu and type "View network connections". Open that and then open the settings of your NIC. Choose "Internet Protocol Version 4" and open the "Properties".
You need to assign your computer a static IP address. If you don't know what to enter there, run "ipconfig" in cmd.exe and write down your IP address, your gateway and the subnet mask.
Enter "" and "" as DNS servers (or the IP of your router if it has a DNS server).
Then click "Advanced" and click "Add" at "IP addresses". Add the IP "" with subnet mask "". This additional address will be used for the wii to connect to your computer.
Step 3: Enable routing
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and go to. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters
Change "IPEnableRouter" to 1 and "EnableICMPRedirect" to 0.
Close the editor and reboot your computer.
Step 4: Configuring the Wii
Now you need to configure the wii so it sends data to your computer and not to the router. Open the network settings, create a new connection and enter the IP "", the subnet mask "" and the gateway "". Enter / as DNS servers.
Step 5: Configuring the router
In the last step, you've configured your wii to send outgoing packets to your computer instead of the router. Now you need to configure your router to make it send wii packets to your computer and not to the wii.
Open the web interface of your router and search for "static (IPv4) route".
If you have a FRITZ!Box, you'll find that at Network -> network settings -> IPv4 routes.
Create a new route for network "" with subnet mask "". Enter your computer's IP address (the static one. Not!) as gateway and save the route.
Step 6: Testing
Start Mario Kart Wii, connect to Wiimmfi and join a global race. Open Wireshark on your computer, go to "Capture" -> "Start" and enter the following as "Filter": ip.addr ==
During the race, you should now see some packets having a "source" of and some having a "destination" of
Step 7: Using mkw-ana
Open up two command line interfaces and navigate to the mkw-ana folder in both of them. Start "windump -D" in one of them and remember the number of your network interface (mostly it's 1). You can now start the recording with the following command (you may put that in a batch file so you don't need to enter it every time). Enter your network interface's number for X. You may also choose a different file name than "file.eth". The file "a.socket" is a temporary file for connecting the two commands (just stay with that name and ignore the file).
Now, in the second command line interface, you can start mkw-ana:
Now mkw-ana should start and display details about the current race. When mkw-ana detects enough cheats for one player (there might be some false positives, so one or two "cheats" for a player are not enough) you can also use the dump file "file.eth" as a proof instead of a video.
mkw-ana for Wiimmfi moderators
If you are a Wiimmfi moderator (or have the AUTOBAN right), you can go to the Wiimmfi page ( wiimmfi.de/status ) to create a config file for mkw-ana. Copy the lines displayed at "mkw-ana setup" to a new file "mkw-ana.config.txt" and put that in the same folder as mkw-ana. To make mkw-ana auto-ban cheaters, add the following parameter:
Do not set the item cheat level lower than 5 because there might be some false-positives due to lag.
Reset routing
If you want to remove all those modifications to make your wii connect to your router directly, just switch your Wii back to DHCP in the network settings and remove the static route from your router.
Wiimms "mkw-ana" has got some new features in the last versions - including an improved glitching and item cheat detection (Wiimmfi-moderators can also auto-ban cheaters). Sadly, there are not many people using mkw-ana.
(German Version: mkw-ana einrichten unter Windows )
This tutorial explains how to setup mkw-ana on Windows without needing a special router or hub to capture the network traffic.
After doing this tutorial, you'll be able to use mkw-ana on your computer and routing your wii's traffic through your computer.
Step 1: Install the needed Software
First, you need to install Wireshark, mkw-ana and WinDump:
Download Wireshark: wireshark.org/download.html
Download WinDump: winpcap.org/windump/install/default.htm
Download mkw-ana: download.wiimm.de/mkw-ana/ (you must use version r2392 or newer)
Wireshark gets installed like any other program (remember to also install the WinPcap driver). Mkw-ana and WinDump are just being copied into any folder you'd like.
Step 2: Second IP Address
Open the start menu and type "View network connections". Open that and then open the settings of your NIC. Choose "Internet Protocol Version 4" and open the "Properties".
You need to assign your computer a static IP address. If you don't know what to enter there, run "ipconfig" in cmd.exe and write down your IP address, your gateway and the subnet mask.
Enter "" and "" as DNS servers (or the IP of your router if it has a DNS server).
Then click "Advanced" and click "Add" at "IP addresses". Add the IP "" with subnet mask "". This additional address will be used for the wii to connect to your computer.
Step 3: Enable routing
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and go to. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters
Change "IPEnableRouter" to 1 and "EnableICMPRedirect" to 0.
Close the editor and reboot your computer.
Step 4: Configuring the Wii
Now you need to configure the wii so it sends data to your computer and not to the router. Open the network settings, create a new connection and enter the IP "", the subnet mask "" and the gateway "". Enter / as DNS servers.
Step 5: Configuring the router
In the last step, you've configured your wii to send outgoing packets to your computer instead of the router. Now you need to configure your router to make it send wii packets to your computer and not to the wii.
Open the web interface of your router and search for "static (IPv4) route".
If you have a FRITZ!Box, you'll find that at Network -> network settings -> IPv4 routes.
Create a new route for network "" with subnet mask "". Enter your computer's IP address (the static one. Not!) as gateway and save the route.
Step 6: Testing
Start Mario Kart Wii, connect to Wiimmfi and join a global race. Open Wireshark on your computer, go to "Capture" -> "Start" and enter the following as "Filter": ip.addr ==
During the race, you should now see some packets having a "source" of and some having a "destination" of
Step 7: Using mkw-ana
Open up two command line interfaces and navigate to the mkw-ana folder in both of them. Start "windump -D" in one of them and remember the number of your network interface (mostly it's 1). You can now start the recording with the following command (you may put that in a batch file so you don't need to enter it every time). Enter your network interface's number for X. You may also choose a different file name than "file.eth". The file "a.socket" is a temporary file for connecting the two commands (just stay with that name and ignore the file).
windump.exe -i X -s 60000 -w- -U host | mkw-ana.exe sil - --write file.eth --distrib unix:a.socket
Now, in the second command line interface, you can start mkw-ana:
mkw-ana.exe crace a.socket --cmd 0 --wii
Now mkw-ana should start and display details about the current race. When mkw-ana detects enough cheats for one player (there might be some false positives, so one or two "cheats" for a player are not enough) you can also use the dump file "file.eth" as a proof instead of a video.
mkw-ana for Wiimmfi moderators
If you are a Wiimmfi moderator (or have the AUTOBAN right), you can go to the Wiimmfi page ( wiimmfi.de/status ) to create a config file for mkw-ana. Copy the lines displayed at "mkw-ana setup" to a new file "mkw-ana.config.txt" and put that in the same folder as mkw-ana. To make mkw-ana auto-ban cheaters, add the following parameter:
--autoban all,enabled
Do not set the item cheat level lower than 5 because there might be some false-positives due to lag.
Reset routing
If you want to remove all those modifications to make your wii connect to your router directly, just switch your Wii back to DHCP in the network settings and remove the static route from your router.