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FAQ of sky3ds plus

Q:Can i play the Fire Emblem If (JP) with sky3DS+?
A:Yes you can play any new AP checks game on the sky3DS+ now.

Q:Can I use the save files from my blue button sky3DS card with the new orange button card?
A:Yes you can download the DiskWriter V2.03b4 tool, to click "backup save2" on menu to convert the saved
data for sky3DS+.

Q:How can i play the out of region games on a sky3DS+ card directly?
A:Sorry the out of region roms can only still be played on the sky3DS+ via NINJHAX and its built-in Region-
Free Launcher.

Q:I just purchased the latest version of Sky3ds+. wonder if you have the instruction to edit the private
header for the online game play?
A:Open the file settings.txt, add in the line "CREATE_PER_GAME_SETTINGS=1" and save it, once got the
file "xxxxx.CFG" for that online game built in your microSD card, open it and replace the value of the "GAMESAVE_KEY" with your private header info(Unique_ID), save it and enjoy your online play without
ban risk!

Q:How can i install a game like Monster Hunter 4 or Xenoblades to my MicroSD card? Since the file format
of the MicroSD should be in FAT32 it won't allow these big files to be transfered to it.
A:For those large size roms (4GB), you can use the 3rd party rool to trim
it to the small size, sky3DS+ works fine with the trimmed rom!

Q:Just want to know if there will still be updates for the old blue button sky3DS template file.
A:We are still working on a AP checks solution for the old cards, and will keep the template updated as well.

Q:Where is the file firmware.bin? I can't find in the download page.
A:The newest firmware V100 comes with your sky3DS+ card, no update needed at the moment.

Q:I have been trying all day to get 64Gb micorSD cards to work, had issues formatting 64GB micorSD card
to FAT32, please help!
A:Please see more instructions sky3ds plus.
:rolleyes: :P

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