Wiimmfi Portal
Form now on it is possible for everyone to login to the Wiimmfi portal and to register own consoles. All profiles related to the registered consoles can be managed. Dependent on rights, user can kick, ban or manage OPENHOST.
This topic is now the main discussion thread about the »Wiimmfi Portal«. The OPENHOST has it own thread. Please read the Wiki information pages before discussion.
Links about the Portal
* Wiimmfi Login (Wiki, English)
* Wiimmfi-Anmeldung (Wiki, German)
* This topic in German
Links about OPENHOST
* Wiimmfi: OPENHOST (Forum, English)
* Wiimmfi: OPENHOST (Forum, German)
* Wiimmfi: OPENHOST (Wiki, English)
* Wiimmfi: OPENHOST (Wiki, German)